Saturday 2 May 2015

James takes on the North Face Endurance Challenge - Bear Mountain 50km again

On May 2nd, James returned to the North Face Endurance Challenge at Bear Mountain, New York to run the 50km race for a second year in a row. After a strong 3rd place overall finish last year, his expectations were not quite as high, owing to being a little less well trained compared to last year. However, anything can happen in a race like this and no matter what they are always a great challenge and a lot of fun. As with the previous year, the race was extremely well organized and it was an easy time getting to the start line with plenty of time to get warmed up and ready to go. The race conditions were favorable, with a cool morning leading into a fairly hot afternoon for early May. Also the trails were much drier than last year.

The race started out fast as usual and people settled quite quickly into their rhythms and positions in the race. Not many people sped up or slowed down much in the front end of the pack leading up to the first feed station.  From there onward, there was a little bit of back and forth between James and his competitors as the kilometers passed by. James struggled a bit through the middle portion of the race but managed to get his legs back for the last 3rd of the race. As he approached the final feed station he could hear the volunteers yelling “only 2.8 to go!” So he opted to blow through the feed zone and hammer out the last 2.8km of the race… only to figure out a short while later that the volunteers meant that there were 2.8 MILES left. So James’ sprint to the finish was a very long one! The hills kept on coming and James kept on thinking “this HAS to be the last one!” The good news is that he passed a couple people in those last 2.8 miles to finish in 7th place overall with a time of 4:45. A tough and technical race, but very happy with the result. Thanks to Nuun Hydration for getting me through this one!    

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